# Copyright (c) 2015, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is designed to work with certain software (including # but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, # as designated in a particular file or component or in included license # documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional # permission to link the program and your derivative works with the # separately licensed software that they have either included with # the program or referenced in the documentation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # GENERATED FILE # cmd: test_event args: -n createDropEvent_NF T1 max-time: 1200 cmd: test_event args: -n Apiv2-check_event_received_after_restart T1 max-time: 300 cmd: test_event args: -n Apiv2-check_drop_event_op_after_restart T1 max-time: 300 cmd: test_event args: -n SubscribeUnsubscribe -l1000 T1 max-time: 360 cmd: test_event args: -n SubscribeUnsubscribeWithLoad -l1000 T1 max-time: 360 cmd: testFK args: -n DropTableWithFKDuringRestart T1 max-time : 300 cmd: test_event args: -n getEventBufferUsage3 T1 max-time : 300 cmd: testNdbApi args: -n GetNdbIndexOperationTest I3 max-time : 180 cmd: testNdbApi args: -n GetNdbIndexOperationBatchTest I3 max-time : 180 cmd: testNdbApi args: -n GetNdbIndexOperationParallelDroppingTest I3 max-time : 300 cmd: testNodeRestart args: -n ArbitrationWithApiNodeFailure T1 cmd: testScan args: -n ScanDuringExpandAndShrinkBack T1 max-time : 180 cmd: testScan args: -n ScanDuringShrinkAndExpandBack T1 max-time : 180 cmd: testSystemRestart args: -n StaleNodeTakeoverDuringSR T1 max-time : 300 cmd: testFK args: -n AbortWithSlowChildScans T1 max-time : 180 cmd: testNodeRestart args: -n RestoreOlderLCP T1 cmd: testNdbApi args: -n CheckTransId T1 max-time : 180 cmd: testNdbApi args: -n CheckTransIdMt T1 max-time : 180 cmd: testNdbApi args: -n OldApiScanFinalise T1 max-time : 180 cmd: testNdbApi args: -n CheckDisconnectCommit T1 max-time : 180 cmd: testNdbApi args: -n CheckDisconnectComplete T1 max-time : 180 cmd: testNdbApi args: -n CheckSlowCommit T1 max-time : 720 cmd: testNodeRestart args: -n StartDuringNodeRestart T1 max-time : 300 cmd: testRedo args: -n CheckLCPStartsAfterSR T1 max-time: 1440 cmd: testRedo args: -n CheckLCPStartsAfterNR T1 max-time: 1440 cmd: testDict args: -n StoreExtraMetadata T2 max-time: 180 cmd: testDict args: -n StoreExtraMetadataError T3 max-time: 180 cmd: testScan args: -n ScanReadError8095 T1 max-time : 60 cmd: testScan args: -n ScanDihError7240 T1 max-time : 60 cmd: testRedo args: -n CheckNextRedoFileOpened T1 max-time: 1440 cmd: testNodeRestart args: -n NR_Disk_data_undo_log_local_lcp D1 D2 max-time : 2000 cmd: testNodeRestart args: -n InitialNodeRestartTest D1 D2 max-time : 1200 cmd: testScan args: -n ScanReadError8115 T1 T6 I3 max-time : 60 cmd: testSpj args: -n MultiFrag_OOM T1 T6 I3 max-time : 60 cmd: testSpj args: -n MultiFrag_OOM_rand T1 T6 I3 max-time : 60 cmd: testBasic args: -n DeleteNdbInFlight T1 max-time : 60 cmd: testIndex args: -r 10 -n NF_Mixed T1 T6 T13 max-time: 1200 cmd: testNdbApi args: -n NdbClusterConnectNR_slow_nostart T1 max-time: 1800 cmd: testBackup args: -n ConsistencyUnderLoad T1 max-time: 360 cmd: testBackup args: -n ConsistencyUnderLoadStallGCP T1 max-time: 1200 cmd: testSystemRestart args : -n LaggardShutdown T1 max-time : 240 cmd: test_event args: -n checkParallelTriggerDropReqHandling T1 max-time: 120 cmd: testNodeRestart args: -n NodeFailLcpStall T1 max-time: 360 cmd: testBlobs args: -bug 28746560 -pk2cs utf8mb3 -skip p -loop 10 max-time: 900 cmd: testLimits args: -n NdbfsBulkOpen T1 max-time: 360 cmd: test_event args: -n ExhaustedSafeCounterPool T1 max-time: 120 cmd: testBasic args: -n AbortRace T1 max-time: 180 cmd: testDict args: -n CreateManyDataFiles T1 max-time: 360 cmd: testNdbApi args: -n PkLockingReadNoWait T1 max-time:30 cmd: testNodeRestart args: -n PostponeRecalculateGCPCommitLag T1 max-time: 520 cmd: testBackup args: -n CheckBackupCompletedPrintout T1 max-time: 360 cmd: testBasic args: -n CheckCompletedLCPStats T1 max-time: 240 cmd: testNodeRestart args: -n InplaceCharPkChangeCS T1 max-time: 1200 cmd: testNodeRestart args: -n InplaceCharPkChangeCI T1 max-time: 1200 cmd: testPartitioning args : -n startTransactionHint_orderedIndex_MaxKey T1 max-time: 60 cmd: testBlobs args : -bug 27772916 -skip p max-time: 120 cmd: testNodeRestart args: -n pnr_lcp D2 D3 max-time: 2000 cmd: testRedo args: -n RedoStallRecover T1 max-time : 180 cmd: testInterpreter args: -n BranchNonZeroLabel T6 T16 max-time: 180 cmd: testBasic args : -n AbortIgnoreError T2 T3 D1 max-time: 360 cmd: testNodeRestart args: -n WatchdogSlowShutdown T1 max-time: 180 cmd: test_event args: -n DelayedEventDrop T1 max-time: 120 cmd: testScan args : -n ScanApiDisconnect T1 max-time: 120 cmd: testIndex args: -n ScanOrderedIndexWithChurn T1 max-time: 120 cmd: testScan args: -n ScanOnDMLLateUnlock T1 max-time : 120 cmd: testNodeRestart args: -n ApiDetectNoFirstHeartbeat T1 max-time: 180 cmd: testDict args: -n ManyNdbObjectsGetTable T1 max-time: 60 cmd: testDict args : -r 2500 -l 200 -n TableAddAttrsUpdateMaxRecSzForLCP T1 max-time: 600 cmd: testNodeRestart args: -n CheckGcpStopTimerDistributed T1 max-time: 2000 cmd: testNdbApi args: -n TestSlowConnectEnable T1 max-time: 600 cmd: testDict args : -r 2500 -l 200 -n TableAddAttrsUpdateMaxRecSzForLCP T1 max-time: 600 cmd: testNodeRestart args: -n TransStallTimeout T1 max-time: 180 cmd: testNodeRestart args: -n TransStallTimeoutNF T1 max-time: 180 cmd: test_event args: -n StallingSubscriber T1 max-time : 180 cmd: test_event args: -n SubscribeEventsNR T1 max-time: 240 cmd: test_event args: -n SubscribeEventsNRAF T1 max-time: 240 cmd: testNodeRestart args: -n TransientStatesNF T1 max-time: 360 cmd: testSystemRestart args: -n SystemDownDuringSR T1 D1 --loops=1 max-time: 720 cmd: test_event args: -n EventConsumer_Graceful T1 --loops=3 max-time: 480 cmd: test_event args: -n MergeEventConsumer_Graceful T1 --loops=3 max-time: 480 cmd: testDict args: -n IndexStatNodeFailures T1 max-time: 360 cmd: testNdbApi args: -n SetVarbinaryWithSetValue WIDE_2COL max-time: 180 cmd: test_event args: -n ExhaustedPreparedPoolsApiOps T1 -l 10000 max-time: 240 cmd: test_event args: -n ExhaustedPreparedPoolsInternalOps T1 -l 1000 max-time: 240